Site Information
Thanks for looking over the Website and exploring
it. Take your time and enjoy. Be sure to participate.
There are several parts of this website that are important to
understand. If you have a question on how to do something or
what something means, go to "Help" and it will point out
many items and step-by-step guides for using the website.
Lastly, please understand that this site will grow and change with
both the suggestions and the energy put into it.
The Rules
The site is for family, anyone can view it, but it is used only
for family things. This is not a place for business dealings,
selling to family of AMWAY, etc. It is for the purpose of
allowing each of us to share a part of our selves and see how others
in the family are doing. So please follow the rules as I have
laid them out.
Rule 1
Rule 2
Rule 3
Rule 4
Thanks for bearing with me on
this and putting up with the few rules I have laid out. As the
site gets used and I am better able to control and understand the
amount of work it will be, many of the rules may change or simply go
Site Webmaster
Site is run by Brett Parmacek "I thought I would
develop something that allows us all to participate in some
way. As the Site banner says; "It's a Family
Thing". I have an interest in my extended family and I
want to stay in contact. Currently, I only hear about many of
you through my Parents, Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins. I want to
hear and see what all of you are up to even if it is through the use
of this tool.
If I felt this way I thought maybe many of you did too. Our
lives are so busy that we only get to spend time, and talk to those
in our immediate family or those in the Area. The web has
revolutionalized the world and made it that much easier to
communicate and stay in touch. I thought it would be fun to
develop a site that takes away many of our excuses and opens up the
Parmacek family to all of us.
If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas for this site please
do not hesitate to email or call me at anytime. I can not say
that all ideas will be implemented or that things will be done in a
timely manner (Read Speedy) as I too have a family, a job, and a
life here in Washington. Let me know what you like, dislike
and if you find any mistakes.
This has been a labor of love for me and I hope that our family
becomes closer because of this tool.
My love to everyone in the family.
Brett Parmacek
Copyright 2001 - - All Rights