is the difference between an alias and a POP email account?
Here's an analogy, to help you understand this
A POP email account would be like your mailbox at your house. You
would use an email program to retrieve the email for the account,
just like you would use your mailbox to retrieve your mail.
alias, on the other hand, would be like a mail forwarding address.
An alias forwards your email to a POP account as a mail forwarding
address forwards your mail from another mail address to your
mailbox. Once it is in your mailbox, or POP e-mail program, you
check it there.
account is the final destination of e-mail, whereas an alias
forwards your mail to that final destination. The reason you would
want to use an alias is because it looks more professional and
"cutting-edge" for people to write to
rather than
the two methods, aliases are the most used and easiest to setup.
They do not require anything special to be done for software
configuration and all e-mail sent to a given address merely ends up
in your normal ISP's mailbox.
the definition
In general, an alias is an alternate name
for someone or something. In literature, a "pen
name" is an alias for the author's real name. The noun
is derived from the Latin adverb alias, meaning
"otherwise" and by extension "otherwise known
as" and the latter meaning is still used in English, as
in: Clark Kent, alias Superman. In information technology,
the noun has several usages.
referring to email, an alias would be
that forwards messages to a POP email address (i.e., If someone sends you a message to, you would have to log into your POP emailbox to retrieve messages
sent to the superman address.
Email, the definition
POP (Post Office Protocol) is a standard
protocol for receiving email. POP3 is the most recent
version of the protocol. POP3 is a client/server protocol in
which email is received and held for you by
Hosting. Periodically, you and/or your email program connect
to the mail server at Hosting to see if you
have any mail waiting and download a copy of the messages.
(Depending on your settings in your email program, you can
leave a copy of the messages on the server to download on
another computer or remove them completely from the mail
server when you check your mail. The latter is what you want
to use if you check your email in only one location, since
disk space is limited for POP accounts. You don't want mail
bouncing back to the sender if your emailbox runs out of
room and can not take any more messages).
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